„It’s democracy, stupid!“ wurde von der Nemetschek Stiftung und der Organisation “Gesicht zeigen” am 18. und 19. September veranstaltet. Über Colored Glasses und YFU bieten sich regelmäßig Möglichkeiten für persönliche Aus- und Weiterbildungen sowie die Teilnahme an spannenden Seminaren oder Diskussionen.
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We started of with a pub quiz about democracy and some nice facts. Two really exciting lectures followed the next day. The first one was about the problems in East Germany and the second was about talking with right-wing supporters. After this input we first discussed in groups about some questions which are related to democracy and their problems. Following this we worked on different topics in even smaller groups. I was by Dr.phil.Prasad Reddy and we talked about prejudice. This was a nice input for our Colored Glasses simulations. All in all it was a nice meeting and I learned a lot which I can use in our workshops.